Tuesday, September 27, 2011

8 months Post Angio

Hello all!
I am 8 months new today! I have been doing physiotherapy for the past few months and have actually seen muscle recovery and improvement in strength and balance big time. This is huge news as previous physiotherapy sessions left me drained, weak and no noticeable improvement in muscle recovery.l I have just started water aerobics as well for the fall and loving it. Right now I am working for Elections Ontario 2-10 hours per day every day. This is huge. No fatigue, brain is functioning very well and no overheating. I am still sweating and also walking farther each week and hope to soon be up to a good 30 minute walk before I go to Florida. Keep the prayers coming my way for continued healing and recovery, I really appreciate them. Blessings

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Great Debate: CCSVI and MS


The Great Debate: CCSVI and MS

Friday, September 23, 2011

Question/Answers following public session on JVH (CCSVI) Aug 26 in Barrie Ontario on Vimeo

Video link to:

Question/Answers following public session on JVH (CCSVI) Aug 26 in Barrie Ontario on Vimeo

Dr. Bill Code - JVH (CCSVI) Aug 26, 2011 Barrie Ontario on Vimeo

Video link to:

Dr. Bill Code - JVH (CCSVI) Aug 26, 2011 Barrie Ontario on Vimeo

Dr. Michael Arata - JVH (CCSVI) Aug 26 in Barrie Ontario on Vimeo

Video Link to Dr. Mike Arata presentation in Barrie Ontario

Dr. Michael Arata - JVH (CCSVI) Aug 26 in Barrie Ontario on Vimeo

Dr Teri Jaklin ND - JVH (CCSVI) Her experience with MS, CCSVI treatment and what you can do now to control this disease on Vimeo

Link to Video of

Dr Teri Jaklin ND - JVH (CCSVI) Her experience with MS, CCSVI treatment and what you can do now to control this disease on Vimeo

Friday, September 9, 2011

Medications Pre and Post Angioplasty treatment for CCSVI

Here are the meds I was prescribed by doctors and neuros I was taking for ten years or more before CCSVI Treatment last January.
  • Avonex Beta 1A Interferon once a week intermuscular injection. Side effects were racing heart, palpitations, flu like symptoms with aching joints and muscles, headache, very tired and weakness for three - four days following. Along with this I had to take tylenol for up to three days 2-3 pills per day.
  • Oxybutin chloride (Ditropan) for neurogenic bladder. Side effects were excessive thirst (dry mouth) and dry skin. 3 pills per day to help my bladder function properly. (incontinence & urge)
  • Blood Pressure meds:Avapro side effects - none. 1 pill per day.
  • Baclofen - For releif of muscle spasm and clenching.  Side effects were loss of total digestive & elimination system from top to bottom. This story is too gory to tell but if you want to know more you can email me and I will send you all the dirty details. Suffice to say here that it was the most unpleasant and depressing time of my life so far.
  • Steroids - mega dose of high potency to snap my body out of paralysis. Side effects - weight gain, hunger, craving for sweets.
Meds as of seven months post angio - Now I only take my blood pressure meds Avapro once a day.