Saturday, February 11, 2012

Good Health Is Everything

What does it mean to have good health? To me it means everything. No more lying around in pain and anguish. No more brain fog. No more weakness, no more overheating, no more terrible fatigue and feeling like I am going to have a stroke. I am able to walk around the park, I can then still go home and do housework, stay up late to watch a movie, dance, swim, exercise, have fun, go to church at the real parish church and not at my house church. Join the ladies group and sit through a long meeting without those cooling bands wrapped around my head. No more yawning but lots of wade awake moments. My poor hubby can't keep up with me anymore due to the fact he has to have a hip replacement this year. Reading a book in two days the way I used to and retaining the storyline for two weeks this is amazing for me! I have to start looking for a way to make some money so I can continue on this path of wellness. It is not cheap as I have to take a lot of supplements, join a health club, eat right and save up in case I have to have the angioplasty done again. God bless Dr. Arslan and the other good doctors in the USA and those in Canada who are for us and helped us so much. Blessings to all!

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